If you sustained injuries in a truck accident, you may want to speak with a truck accident lawyer in Winder, GA. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses. A lawyer can help you file a claim against the negligent party.
Common Misconceptions About Truck Accidents
If you are the victim of a truck accident, it is important to educate yourself about the facts surrounding these accidents. Here are some common myths about truck accidents that you shouldn’t believe.
- Truck drivers often suffer severe injuries in accidents. Some people assume that truck drivers suffer as serious injuries as drivers of passenger vehicles. The truth is that drivers of passenger vehicles are much more likely to sustain catastrophic injuries, like paralysis, traumatic brain injuries, burns and amputations. Commercial trucks offer more protection than passenger vehicles because they’re much larger.
- Truck drivers have to follow the same traffic laws as drivers of passenger vehicles. Truck drivers are actually held to stricter standards on the road than drivers of passenger vehicles. For instance, truck drivers may be prohibited from driving on certain roads because of weight restrictions and have to drive at lower speeds than cars.
- Breaks for truck drivers are strictly enforced. Federal regulations require truck drivers to take breaks after driving a certain number of hours. However, that doesn’t mean that these rules are strictly enforced. As a truck accident lawyer in Winder, GA can confirm, some truck drivers skip breaks to deliver their goods on time. This can cause fatigue, a major cause of truck accidents.
- Truck drivers are too experienced to cause accidents. Truck drivers are required to obtain commercial licenses before operating a commercial truck. Therefore, some people assume that these drivers are too experienced to get into collisions. However, even the most experienced truck drivers can still make errors, like speeding and getting distracted, that can cause accidents.
- Trucking companies aren’t responsible for accidents. Truck drivers often are not the only liable party in an accident. In many cases, the trucking company is also held responsible for a truck accident. For example, if a trucking company didn’t require a driver to undergo training or forced the driver to work unrealistic hours, they may be a liable party in the event of an accident.
Because of their size, weight, and more complicated maneuverability, commercial trucks are at an increased risk of causing a serious accident. Those who have been in a truck accident are probably in pain due to injury and confusion about what to do next. If a truck driver was at fault for a collision that you were a part of, then it's worth meeting with a truck accident lawyer Winder GA victims depend on from Norris Injury Law for assistance. It is important to us that victims understand their options and pursue compensation for what they have been through.
After being hit by a truck while in a passenger vehicle, it is rare for someone to walk away completely unscathed. Data suggests that thousands of people die in truck accidents every single year, where most of the fatalities happen to those in the passenger vehicle. Keep in mind that a commercial truck can weigh upwards of 50,000 to 80,000 pounds, and the average vehicle is only a measly 3,000 pounds or so in comparison. So you can imagine the consequences of a truck of that magnitude crashing into anything smaller than itself.
As your Winder truck accident lawyer can discuss with you, many truck accidents are preventable. There is likely at least one person who is responsible for what happened. For instance, the truck driver may have been doing something wrong on the road which led to the crash, or could have been the crew who overstocked the truck which then caused it to tip over when it shouldn't have. There are many factors and nuances to consider before filing a lawsuit.
You will need to be confident about who you include in your lawsuit, as there may be several parties partially at fault. It may have been the fault of the trucking company if they pressured the trucker to drive more hours than they should have, or failed to train the truck driver properly before sending them on their first job. Whatever the reason may be, truck accident victims are advised to have a lawyer investigate the situation further before making any decisions on what to do next.
It is a reasonable thought to consider meeting with the lawyer after a truck accident. Your lawyer can talk with insurance companies, represent you in court if a settlement is not reached, speak with witnesses, complete legal paperwork for you, talk with your doctor, and other things that are needed in order to build your case. Many victims of personal injury accidents, such as truck accidents, prefer to have a lawyer standing by their side so that they are not alone in what they are going through.
And sadly, as our team has seen before, victims are often taken advantage of because they don't understand what options are available to them in receiving compensation. Contact our Winder lawyer truck accident team from Norris Injury Law today to get help with your case right away.
Schedule a consultation with a truck accident lawyer in Winder, GA today to discuss your case in detail.
5 Factors That Contribute To Truck Accidents
A truck accident can happen for many reasons, and there are some factors that can make an accident much more likely to happen, as a trusted truck accident lawyer Winder, GA residents depend on can tell you. Compared to smaller vehicles like cars or motorcycles, trucks are much harder to control and it takes special skills to safely drive one. When drivers don’t take the care to assess road conditions or drive safely when they are operating a truck, an accident can easily happen, Here are some of the most common contributing factors that can result in truck accidents.
Reckless Driving
There are many truck drivers who ignore the law and drive their truck in an unsafe manner that puts others at risk. As a skilled Winder GA truck accident lawyer can go into more detail about, examples of reckless driving include ignoring traffic signs, making dangerous turns, and weaving through traffic. These behaviors endanger the lives of innocent drivers and pedestrians. Criminal charges can be carried out against reckless drivers as well, which can result in jail time.
Not getting enough sleep or rest is another common issue that contributes to truck accidents. Commercial truck drivers are especially prone to fatigue because they drive long distances. Many truck drivers feel pressure to get to their destination on time, so they sacrifice sleep. They feel like they need to do so to avoid getting disciplined by their supervisor as well. Unfortunately, tiredness and minimal sleep can increase the likelihood of a truck accident occurring.
Speed is another common factor in many accidents. A truck may be driving too fast, or other drivers may be driving too fast so they speed in order to pass slower trucks. Other drivers who are driving behind truck drivers often get irritated and frustrated when they are forced to drive much slower. There are numerous accidents that could have been avoided if the driver chose to drive at a safe speed.
Poor Weather
Bad road conditions can play a big role in any accident, but especially trucks. Since many trucks like commercial trucks have to go through extreme weather conditions, drivers need to be especially cautious and be wary of when to attempt to drive through bad weather. Unfortunately, many truck drivers choose to speed despite rain or snow, which often results in devastating accidents and multiple injured victims or fatalities.
In other cases, accidents happen because a truck driver lacks the necessary skills and experience to safely operate a truck. This can be the fault of the driver or company. A truck driver may know how to drive a truck, but lacks more advanced skills to maneuver it and avoid a collision. Sometimes a company may be to blame if they knowingly hire a truck driver without sufficient knowledge or experience.
If you are in need of urgent and affordable legal assistance because you have suffered injuries as a result of a truck accident, do not hesitate to take action. Contact a reputable and competent Winder truck accident lawyer in your area now for more information about legal services available.
Winder Truck Accident Infographic
Loss of Consortium in a Truck Accident Case
A truck accident lawyer Winder, GA clients trust knows that when accidents resulting in personal injuries occur, it can have ramifications on every area of your life. In addition to your own suffering, the people closest to you are affected as well. While you focus on your recovery, these loved ones are often required to assume additional burdens financially and in terms of household contributions and family tasks. Depending on the situation, they may also be entitled to compensation in your personal injury claim.
What Type of Damages are Allowed in a Truck Accident Case?
When you are injured in a truck accident caused by another party’s reckless or negligent behavior, you may be entitled to compensation through an insurance claim.
The size and weight of large commercial trucks usually mean the injuries suffered by truck accident victims are serious to catastrophic. Many victims are left with permanent disabilities and are unable to engage in a lot of the activities they enjoyed prior to the accident.
Under Georgia law, victims are entitled to two types of damages in a personal injury claim. Economic damages are those with a specific dollar amount, such as the costs of medical care or compensation for lost wages. Non-economic damages are intangible items with no clear dollar amount. It is up to a judge or jury to decide what is fair in each situation if the victim and insurance company cannot agree on a settlement amount.
Is it Just the Victim Who is Entitled to Financial Compensation For the Accident?
In addition to the impact on the victim, their spouse is likely to suffer ramifications as well. They may have to take on additional hours at work if the victim is left disabled and unable to work. The victim may not be able to participate in helping around the home or even be left unable to fulfill parental duties. These losses are separate from the victim’s losses.
What Type of Compensation is Available For the Spouses of Victims?
As a Winder truck accident lawyer can explain, the law also allows the victim’s loved ones (spouse, parents, children) to pursue a loss of consortium claim for compensation for the absence of the victim’s affection, companionship, service, sexual relations, and society. Some of the damages that may be included are:
- Mental anguish caused by the victim’s injuries
- The stress and inconvenience of providing for the victim’s care and having increased burdens placed on them
- The loss of companionship and enjoyment in life if the victim’s injuries prevent them from engaging in family activities or being intimate with their partner
Do I Need an Attorney to Pursue This Type of Claim?
If your spouse has been injured in an accident by another party and they have suffered long-term or permanent injuries, you may be entitled to damages in a personal injury claim. Although the law doesn’t require victims to retain an attorney, these cases can be very complex, requiring a solid understanding of personal injury law. Your case has a much higher chance of success if you have a lawyer advocating for you.
Contact a Winder truck accident lawyer from Norris Injury Law to request a free and confidential case evaluation. Our legal team will work diligently to get your family the financial compensation you deserve.